Welcome to Grade 9 Registration & Orientation webpage for WDCS!! Please see the important information below that will help you with the registration process. Registration for current Bluewater District School Board Students: A presentation will be made to all Grade 8 classes at schools within the WDCS catchment area: January 26 - WDCS & Paisley January 29 - Mildmay-Carrick January 31 - Hillcrest & Ripley February 1 - Chesley These students will have registration and course selection materials distributed to them at the time of the presentation. Registration for students NOT currently enrolled at a Bluewater District School Board School: Please contact WDCS Student Services at (519) 881-1780, ext. 521 or email [email protected] to receive a registration package and be added to our list of incoming Grade 9 students. Interactive Virtual School Tour Grade 9 Elective Teacher's Description Videos